Prometeus, 2005
Oleo sobre lienzo
195 x 130 cm
Eduardo Arranz-Bravo es un pintor, grabador y escultor barcelonés nacido en 1941.
Os presentamos Prometeus, de 2005. Según la mitología, Prometeus robó el fuego de los dioses para darlo a los hombres. Zeus lo castigó enviándole un águila, (representada en la parte de arriba de la obra), para que se comiera su hígado(figurada en la parte derecha de Prometeo), eternamente. Esta obra está intrínsecamente ligada a Odissea realizada el mismo año. La composición es bastante parecida, el circulo que aparece a la derecha de la obra une los protagonistas. El arco, encima del águila, es el símbolo de la libertad que se gana combatiendo según las palabras de Arranz-Bravo, y los cuadrados y lineas representan la noción de tiempo.
Eduardo Arranz-Bravo was born in 1941, he is a painter, engraver and sculptor from Barcelona.
We show you Prometeus, from 2005. According to the mythology Prometeus stole the fire from the gods to gave it to the mortals. Zeus punished him sending an eagle, (represented above of the work), to ate his liver, (represented to the right part of Prometeo). This work is tied intrinsically to Odissea, realized the same year. The composition is quite similar, the circle that appears to the right of the work joins the protagonists. The arch, on of the eagle, “is the symbol of the freedom that earns fighting” ,according to the words of Arranz-Bravo, and the squares and lines represent the time notion.
We show you Prometeus, from 2005. According to the mythology Prometeus stole the fire from the gods to gave it to the mortals. Zeus punished him sending an eagle, (represented above of the work), to ate his liver, (represented to the right part of Prometeo). This work is tied intrinsically to Odissea, realized the same year. The composition is quite similar, the circle that appears to the right of the work joins the protagonists. The arch, on of the eagle, “is the symbol of the freedom that earns fighting” ,according to the words of Arranz-Bravo, and the squares and lines represent the time notion.
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